Smartbeam Technology

With advanced patented technology based on photo senor and algorithm, it optimizes the run time for the maximum use. Smartbeam tech controls the beam intensity from low to high automatically, it sees what you will see in advance and supply the power appropriately in its environment. By implanting Smartbeam tech to whether in bike light or outdoor light product, it can surly make your light longer and brighter.

Auto operation has been an ultimate goal for our design, it consists the spirit of ergonomics & intelligence. BENEX product is smart enough to switch ON and OFF automatically by itself.

Along with evolution of higher technology goes, product is no longer exists in 2 axis-space only, it surpasses 3 axis-space or even more. Gyroscope has been playing a curial role of a product since the era of smartphone, so does our design. For the very first time in lighting product history, we maximize the G-tec. to more diversities in bike light, i.e.
Smartbeam Technology
With advanced patented technology based on photo senor and algorithm, it optimizes the run time for the maximum use. Smartbeam tech controls the beam intensity from low to high automatically, it sees what you will see in advance and supply the power appropriately in its environment. By implanting Smartbeam tech to whether in bike light or outdoor light product, it can surly make your light longer and brighter.